Let the water be your guide

vrijdag 18 mei 2012

De Waag Amsterdam

Half way or finished??
Its so empty!
Quarter size paper Canson Fontenay 140 Lbs
Canson Fontenay is manufactured in the same factory as Arches

I altered here and there some things, but if it made big changes I cant say!
Someone said,
the buildings in the back looks like that you throw a bucket of water over the painting!
Talking about critiques here hahaha! 

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I do like your watercolors. I wanted to join your blog, but cannot understand the language so I'm confused .. but I will be back.. your work is so fresh/ BJ

    1. Hello Barbra Joan, thank for your kind comments!
      On my site is a blog too, with a translator on the side.
      see you soon!
      Regards Edo


Soft light over the waterways

Qrt sheet Millford 300 grams cp #stcmill #Millford #saunderswaterford #dalerrowney