Let the water be your guide

woensdag 21 maart 2012


A practice on plain drawing paper.
Not every watercolor have to be a masterpiece,
Its good to practice on cheap paper.
Here I used 200 grams drawing paper, this paper can take a lot of water, you have to search for drawing paper that is capable to do so!
Daler Rowney makes also excellent heavy weight drawing paper that is good to make quick watercolors!  
On this one I used just two colors for the first wash.
French Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna.
Make sure to leave interesting whites for boats and so on.
After drying  I painted the town and the boats with the same colors.
Don't paint it in one tone, but  make color swatches and loose edges.
The I added some details, and small colorful little dots, 
that attract the eye to make it the center of interest!
Alwyn Crawshaw used to say:
"Why dont you have a go?"

woensdag 14 maart 2012

Brush Practicing Painting Loose

You like to paint loose.
And just paint, what you feel, it doesn't have to be a masterpiece.
But as long as you have fun making it, it is good.
By doing things like these, you find out techniques you never knew from.
Cause when you stay on the safe side, you never become a loose painter.
Like I said it is not intended to be a good watercolor, but just a practice in two colours.
Winsor Blue and Burnt Sienna.
Plain Drawing paper 200 grms

zondag 11 maart 2012

Ronda in Spain

A few years ago I saw a watercolor from Ronda, and I all forgot about it, til just a week ago a television-game visited the city of Ronda, and there it was again that famous bridge!
So I searched a nice picture from the city and tried it in watercolor.
My next quest is looking for that particular watercolor I saw in a magazine somewhere?
I used Arches 140 Lbs Rough 12"X16"

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Soft light over the waterways

Qrt sheet Millford 300 grams cp #stcmill #Millford #saunderswaterford #dalerrowney