Let the water be your guide

woensdag 29 april 2009

Lifeguard boat returning to there base.
200 lbs Bockingford 
Naples Yellow, Ceruleum, Raw Umber, Cobalt Blue. Light Red.
Winsor and Newton colours

donderdag 23 april 2009


After a simple sketch I wetted the sky behind the lighthouse for the wave. I painted quickly with a wash from Cobalt blue into the wave, after that I painted the rocks in with raw Umber, and gave them some shadow, also the wet rocks where painted in direct. The sea was washed down in one go. Cereleum and raw Umber. As last the lighthouse, not to fiddly, but a bit sloppiness give the best result!

Soft light over the waterways

Qrt sheet Millford 300 grams cp #stcmill #Millford #saunderswaterford #dalerrowney